About Me

Hai :D I'm Xiuhanaconda! You can refer to me as either Xiuhanaconda, or just Hana. (It's not my real name, but it's convenient.) I ship Xiuhan/Lumin, but that's kinda obvious considering my username. I also ship Yoongi/Suga X everyone, though I tend to lean more towards Sugakookie/Yoonkook. I write mostly fluff, and I like to experiment with different types of writing. (Instructional style, different POVs etc.) That being said, I will open myself to writing new genres. Currently, I want to work on an angst or crack fic. If you read my fics, please comment! I do accept constructive criticism, so do not be afraid to give feedback. That's all I have to say for now! Byeee -Hana.