Personal Message

Why hello my lovelies~ ;D How are you today? [;

About Me

Why hello there. (:

My name is Debonnay, my Korean name is SunRi. I have multiple names. :D

It's quite a pleasure for you reading this and becoming one of my many stalkers. :'3

Excuse me for a moment, (': Hehe.

Hahaha, so what's your name? Oh wait... I can't hear you. )': Well you can message me though. (:

I'm so weiird. /: All weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell~

Anyways... I love writing or typing stories so you'll be like "O___O that's A LOT of stories. What the !"

;D All with love my dears, all with love. <3 My weird mind thought of that, (:

Well there is a FEW things you NEED to know about me; (well... unless you already know... creepers... o_o)

1.) I LOVE, absolutely LOVE my babies. (My EXO Babies. ;D) Yess... I know they aren't mine but in my mind they are! Don't ruin my imagination like what SquidWard tried to do with SpongeBob & Patrick!

2.) I'm addicting to reading stories... my poor mind has been ruined. TT_TT Haha, I like it. (; I like my mind, my beautiful weird different erted mind. And I bet all of you will too, hehe. ;D

3.) I LOVE talking to you people so don't be afraid to give me some ideas, I might use them. Of course i'll give you credit for the brillant idea, my dear. c:

4.) I HATE this color, do you see this color? Ahh, gross. Just typing in it makes me grossed out. /: As you can tell Pink isn't one of my colors, haha. But I always write my stories in some color. I can't stand just BLACK ink. (I'm not racist... I know you were thinking of that. -_- Jerks.)

5.) You need to stop reading this you weirdos!!!! WHY DO YOU WANT TO STALK ME?! I get creeped out easily. o_o Like one time my dad decided to send me a message. x_x He send me a message of some weird picture of my mom in a bikini when she was younger. I'm sorry but, i'm not interested. I do not WANT my mom... I want Cho KyuHyun. ;D Some of you in the world agree with me. T_T Cho KyuHyun lovers, I love you. You are my family. Haha. I declare you my family now. (:

Well that's a little about me, there is still plenty more buuuuut.... i'm not gonna tell you. :P HOW DOES IT FEEL?!?!?!?!? .... I'm sorry.... my weirdness is going out of control.... Anyways, i'm leaving now. Well i'm not leaving, i'm going to stop typing and click the save button so you can read this. But you already are reading this. Man, i'm so confused. And I know i'm probably confusing you too.... I'm sorry. Well, bye now. MY NEW STALKERS. (;