About Me

Race: Koul | Element: water | Powers: Duplication, Sonic Scream, Kinetic Absorption, Water Breathing, Dark Energy, Disintegration, Possesion, Mediumship, Strength

Things aren't always what they seem


Jo Kwon is so nice, they say

Jo Kwon is so kind, they they

Jo Kwon is so sweet...they say.


Blood, Death, Destruction; are just three words Jo Kwon loves

Love, Happy, Nice; are just three words Jo Kwon loaths


Jo Kwon was raised to hate. It should be no less, he grew up in hell. All his life he has seen nothing but destruction, corruption,  hate, and fear. He knows of the words love and happiness but has not felt them. People have only seen the outline of Jo Kwon but, if they do dare look beyond they will see nothing but anger and it will soon overcome them so that they are the same.

Jo Kwon has dreams of what others call nightmares. Peole call dreams wishes but if they are good, Jo Kwon believes that they will never come true. To Jo Kwon bad is good but he knows that it is bad, and the bad always happens.

Jo Kwon wants to think that he has no fear but he knows the facts of fear. He knows that fear is all around him. He knows that he has fear he has never expirenenced, he knows that he has fears that he didn't know he had, and he knows that there is no end of fears. People think that they can overcome or face their fears but it is just an allusion. They will always keep running from fear. You can be less afraid of it, but it will still always be there waiting for the right time to strike, waiting for the time you fail, and waitng for the time so it can overcome you again. Jo Kwon has a home in hell so he has seen fear, but he has not seen all of it. Although there will be no end of it Jo Kwon wants to see most of it, so he stes out to see what people fear on earth. On earth, fear has no aspect but if Jo Kwon actually thinks there is fear on earth destruction will not have a chance to overcome it.

Hell has all fear.

Fear has no end.

Why do you think you stay in hell for eternity?


On his jouney Jo Kwon meets his underling, Ray, who has the same goal as him, but Jo Kwon knows that he is a wimp which amuses him.

Throughout the years Jo Kwon has seen nothing new and Ray convinces him to settle down. They both live in the same house, don't get out much but when they do it is worth it.

Jo Kwon forgets what he was meant to be and somewhat forgot his childhood so he soon falls in love. It almost corrupted him but was too powerful and did not destroy him. However being a elite demon from hell, falling in love was not excpetable, so he was called back down to finish the work of others that was too hard for them. While doing this Jo Kwon could not see nor hear what was happening on earth. After finishing his duties in hell he returned to earth but saw nothing but destruction. And his beloved was to be tortured in the never ending pits of hell where she could not return or go anywhere else. This was a place even Jo Kwon has never been to or even just seen. 

The gods returned the earth back to normal and Jo Kwon was sentenced to stay up there by the devil himself, for if he does fall in love again his beloved would come back as a monster to destory him and his other loved one.

He can only return to hell when he turns back to the way of his childhood.

Do not fall in love, for when you fall you'll get hurt.



Jo Kwon's Underling

Name Ray

Powers: Healing, Poison generation, Telepathy, Super Human Tracking,  Resurrection, Reality Warping 

He is a Kookaburra or a Dacelo Novaeguineae (A.K.A laughing Jackass)



Gotta wait for the good stuff.