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About Me

Hello....Nice to meet you(friends) from outside there...^^

I'm still new in this fanfic..and i hope you can teach and guide me...^^

THis is my fanfic stories..I hope you can enjoy my fanfic stories...^^

And ammm......My english is not that standard and powefull enough...

But still i hope can still undesrtand and know the roots of the stories....

And for those who read my fanfic silently, I hope you can still  do at least a moderate comment...^^

So Please do to subscibe and got some time to read my stories...^^Please...<3 <3 <3

This fanfic stories is really my own ideas and through creativity and great imigination....

And also through my own observation from every K-Drama that i'hv watch....^^

REALLY.....My own idea..hihi..^^

Anyway...PLEASE  PLEASE do to support  and subcribe my fanfic...

So that i can improve my writing and my new chapter next time....^^