About Me


Let's just put it like this: I've been on here for eight years and I have three other account but they're all deactivated. I know how this site is pretty much run. In the past, I have owned 1 review/beta shop and three roleplays. I know how to handel the crazies. 

Moving on. . . 

You can just call me Vee. Let's be friends? I am blunt, sarcastic, straighforward and hard headed. Not a good combination, I know. But if you manage to actually get my trust, congrats. 

I am half Thai and Chinese but of course, it's up to you to decide if it's true because a lot of people lie, online. I can speak five languages - English, Mandarin, Thai, Spanish and Japanese. I am in the process of learning Latin and Korean. Woot! 

I see in black and white (not literally) meaning that it's either my way or no way but if you compromise with me, I will consider. 

I live in the 'now' and am considered a 'hipster' by my close friends and family. I love to write and I'm studing English and Biology in college at the moment. In my spare time when I'm not at work or at school, you can find me on here, my tumblr, or instagram.




♬ Listen to: Eastside - Ellie (Don't x Loyal Cover)

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you do the math

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