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Personal Message


paciencia y fe





i am usnavi and you've probably never heard my name. reports of my fame are greatly exaggerated, exacerbated by the fact that my syntax is highly complicated

Age: seventeen
: unimportant
Ethnicity: asian

do you ever feel like you're being burdened too much by this world? you're being suffocated: the world's hypothetical hands are wrapped tightly around your neck, and you gasp for air but you forget — you forget what breathing is like. and it hurts and for a time, you believe, truly believe, that the only way for it not to hurt is by letting it kill you. except it's not. slowly, the world will get tired. its hands will get tired. it will get tired of choking you and depriving you of air. it will let go. and soon enough, you're free. your lungs will remember how much it loves the taste of air. and you will rise. and you are free.