Personal Message

Well hello there beautiful people, you can call me Dino oppa~

(i'm a big deal :p)

Not much of a personal message i know but i'm kind of having a mental block while writing this...

(mental block moment below)

(early mornig pictures are not fun... stoopid Thai oppa~ XÞ)

About Me

Things about me on a need to know basses (wanna know more just pm me):

  • I'm in love with kpop (of course)

  • I enjoy purple and other shirtless men :U (but really who doesn't ;)

  • I am really a boy (at least i was last time i checked)

  • I have a baby (mei aka: CUTEST PUPPY EVAH) along with my live in photo obsessed boyfriend Thai oppa~ (he doesn't like my obsession with Korean men :p)

  • I love BIGBANG, F.T island, MBALQ, B2ST (the list goes on...)     

  • I ship GTOP, anything-seob ;p, along with anything- mir (especially thunder toping Mir :3)         

(teehee i have a thing for photographers)

lots of love......