About Me



takipocky - asian - fangirl - writer - reader - procrastinator  - CREDIT

Hello there! I'm takipocky and I love to read/write fanfics! Well...actually...this is a second account to my first and main one VIXXtim. Here I will make graphics and advertise. Please don't advertise on my wall, je bal.

Once upon a time there was a teenager named Zach who worked at a pet shop and loved to surf. One day, Zach was surfing until he stumbled upon a baby shark. It turned out that the baby shark was 'magical' and could breathe in saltwater, freshwater. as well as air. He could also speak a limited vocabulary. The shark said something that sounded close to 'taki' and so, he named the shark Taki and kept him as his pet. The end.