Personal Message

swaggertoes signing in... swaggertoes*

About Me

“You don't have to pretend as anybody else, just be

yourself and you'll be perfect.”



 swaggertoes - adj. the coolest thing ever.



/du-dun du-dun!

well, so yeah. I'm not introducing myseeeeelf to 'ya my fokes.


It contains nothing:

 let's daaaaaance, sweeties!

everybodeee thinks i'm so cool, that's so yeah!

oh, like a star. i'm sooo shy.

eat food, limos. eat twice, thrice and moooooore!

that's all, goodbye. that's how i won the game again. 

Facts about the cool me:

I love violet. I am a dancer.

I have big killer eyes. I love k-pop, its this obvious.

I write poems, stories and songs. I play the piano.

I don't know what else I'm going to say.

These are all pointless.

Where's the bathroom?{Does that even make sense?}