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Personal Message

hey girls super nice too meet you im apinks happy virus Eunji

 tumblr_m1dwh9h1U41qdkfyjo2_250.png                                                             tumblr_m09bbfnh0H1qdkfyjo10_r1_250.gif   

im not a             ☐taken☑single ☐ed happy                                                                                                                                                                    copy this status  I will have a problem with you  >:(        

you can have with me if you want to   

you can talk to me i dont bite

im nice to everyone

im not erted/very sick  

can be a tease not often  

  tumblr_m09bbfnh0H1qdkfyjo1_250.gif    tumblr_m09bbfnh0H1qdkfyjo11_r1_250.gif

         tumblr_ltiiaoE6e71qcx4njo4_250.gif i shall update later sweeties ^^                            

About Me

 its all about me haha get it look at the title about me







 roleplaying at Sugar Lovers AFF yuri roleplaytumblr_lv4ed08MGK1qddown