Personal Message

I'm Ahn Daniel...


About Me

Full Name:
 Ahn Daniel

Stage Name: Niel
D.O.B: August 16, 1994
Hobbies/Interests: Singing, reading, and sleeping.
Knows: Korean
Okay with: (Not painful. Message me to ask if you would like to use that.)
Biual/Straight/Gay: Gay
Status: Not a anymore.
ual Experience: 1 time so far.
Likes: Cooking for others, kittens, singing, dancing, "Minsoo", warm showers/baths, etc.
Dislikes: Alot of pain (can deal with a bit), a lot of blood, horror movies (Learned this with Minsoo), and other things.
Relationship status: TAKEN
By: Master Bang Minsoo (CAP)

Special People:
Bang Minsoo

My beloved Master that I love dearly. ^///^ He's so good to me and treats me like I'm the most beautiful person in the world. >////<

Kevin Woo

A close friend that I have fun being around.


My childhood friend that I reunited with here in the Dungeon. 



Description: I was sold to pay off my parents debts last year during December and ended up as a new slave a the Dungeon Daegu. Still young and naiive, I'm scared about the new life I've has been thrown into.
I get nervous around people I just barely meet and tend to stutter as a result.
When I'm scared, I stutter more and begin to shake and possibly cry.

I know I'm a very depressing person. TT^TT
Also, I am always surprised when people call me cute. The reason being is that I was never called cute by anyone not even my family when I was younger.

I roleplay Neil from TeenTop in Dungeon Daegu