Personal Message



a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another

a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person




I am the 7th among 9 siblings. All of us are girls and we live with our appa.

My older sisters treat me as if I do not belong in the family.

They treat me more like a slave rather than a sister.

I used to be ordered around by my unnies back home.

They made me do household chores alone, made me take care of my younger sisters and take care of them as well.

They bully me, to the point that they even abuse me physically, and emotionally.

My life was a living hell and I suffered long enough.


I just wish my two younger sisters won't experience that treatment from them.


My appa is as passive as a rock along the riverbanks.

He just stays put and doesn't give damn about her daughters.

He doesn't care about the things happening around him.


I suffered from a dissociative disorder called DISSOCIATIVE FUGUE.

Dissociative fugue is a rare condition in which a person suddenly, without planning or warning, travels far from home or work and leaves behind a past life.

They show signs of amnesia and  have no conscious understanding or knowledge of the reason for the flight.

The condition is usually associated with severe stress or trauma.

Because persons cannot remember all or part of their past, at some point they become confused about their identity and the situations in which they find themselves.

In rare cases, they may take on new identities.



Mess with them, i'll mess up your whole life.

Break even a single strand of their hair, i'll break your face.



Sunggyu-oppa is my other big brother.

He said he'd look after me and he'd protect me X3





She is the cutest unnie ever.

She makes me feel secured and comfortable around her :3




He's a really nice and cool master.

He keeps on denying that he's cute that's why i enjoy teasing him >XD




He's such a dino XD

He's really fun to be with though :D




My umma! Well, my pretend umma to be exact XD

She's really nice and caring X3




People I Miss (TuT)

Sooyoung   Jiyoon    Yoochun


                                   Sooyoungie is my shikshin friend.                                   

Brought me on a hill where we can see the whole city.  

Yoonie is soooo cool! Wanna ride her bike again *winks*

Thanks to her, I have a polar bear and a lion cub for pets!

Yoochunnie-oppa is one of my big brothers.

He likes to tickle me *pouts* but i love him for that.





About Me



Ryu Hwayoung


sweet and innocent on the outside

deadly and lethal on the inside


a little too innocent for her own good 


found wandering at the ourskirts of Seoul


Roleplayer as Slave at Dungeon Daegu