Personal Message

Let's seoshify AFF! し(*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*) ///

I made this account to make fanfics. Most probably, Seohyun's always a part of it. But if you request for other characters.... ♒((⇀‸↼))♒


Subscribe if you'd like to. I'll love you to bits! (*☌ᴗ☌)。 ♥♥

Seomate friend please? Follow me on twitter and I'll follow you back! Just mention me ;) username: jldrcz


Let's be frieeeeends! I don't bite. 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人 Let's spazz together and love our biases more!

If you have any comments/suggestions/requests, I'd be glad to know it by commenting on my story/posting on my wall.

I can also accept graphic requests from time-to-time. But I'm just an amateur okay? Don't judge meeee (╥﹏╥)


Lastly, my fanfics are posted here for these purposes:

1. For other fan of a group/member/OTP/etc to enjoy it.

2. To share the love I have for my biases.

3. TO KEEP THE SHIP SAILING. Even if they don't have new moments together. hating okay? MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. :)