Personal Message


hai there. kim seokjin aka jin aka a person you shall never forget is thy name. i am the gods of gods of gods of gods of gods of-you get the picture pmsl. i am the typo, spam, cookies, and pink god so no you kennot be any of those i mean it. idk what else to put here so just come talk to me cause our conversations will be memorable pmsl. +hover above mortals. immortal imnidaf fyi. 

About Me






ayyyyye ma nigga, stal was here okie okai lol kay

ugh wai cant you be my son e n e even for part time or somethongthing

asdfghjkl;  idek what to say here lol but love ya niggs bc i stalified you #ohyeah

hi so look i finally hacked you omg. honestly im really bad at hacking and all that stuff. because my brain gathers everything that i wanted to say to you right before, and then as i start this my brain trolls me and blanks out. like what it did right now. sobs. forgive me for this horrible hack because im pretty sure i'll sound like an idiot. 100% like an idiot. but hey. whatever. okay so this like too a lot of space...i should just shut up and write my message now. otl. ♥

you're the fist to my bro. together we're the best brofist ever. yeah others be jealous becuz there aint no thing as double brofist so ya'll cant join. /shot. im jk. jk. sort of. cx so i decided this one will be sort of funny. see, i decided it, but i dont have any humor so sorry. c reys. you bring out my crazy side and idk why. lets be forever together like the sun and moon. dont know what that has to do with anything, but yeah. we like the sun and moon man. OMG. WAE. I KEEP SPELLING MOOD. YEAH. SUN AND MOOD. DIES. thank god i check my hacks. a little. mwaha.

now dont you dare crey becuase this is all the sentimental stuff that i yank my hair out from thinking about. jin. you're such a good friend. i cant even tell you how funny you are, and you always bring a smile on my face. yes. on my weird face. ;u; and you're happiness is addicting. it really is. you know how to cheer people up, and are really friendly. there's so many things that you're talented at, even though you dont think so. plus, with a face like you're im sure you'll get far in life. cx you seriously flatter me too much, and i love it. i mean what. pft, you have a caring heart and im so glad to have you as a friend. i mean. we're friends right? sniffles.

i swear to god if anyone ever hurts you i will flip them off to pluto. or even to exoplanet. /slapped by exo fans. but seriously. you cant hurt my fist. i will brofist you out of here. but i dont think i'll have a problem with that because everyone loves you. ♥ just in case though. don't hurt him. and i dont get angry a lot. ;; im a nice leader. right right right?!

#brofist #bro #fist #jbwashere #iloveyou #saranghae #stopbeingperfectomg






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hey hello, ssongji is officially hacking your profile, puahahaha. c:< your profile is now kawaii more than ever now! pst, i know we're not the closest of friends /yet/ so let's talk more, okay? #ilikeyourcollarbonesandyourface DISCLAIMER : song jieun is not responsible for kim seokjin dying /again/ and god not accepting him /again/. / stabbed.







Hover please~









♥ ♥ you've been seolified! ♥ ♥


Jinnie~   Jinnie~
your one and only, Seolhyun here. you're the cookies to my milk, the cheese to my macaroni. (otl why are these all foods) , the seok to my seol. i love you to sun and back because you're just that hot (/slapped). let's be awkward and y 69ever, saranghae  

                                                                                                              전정국 has hacked!

                                                                                                                 HOVER PLSS






thumb.png                        HOVER


yeah this basically sums up what you are to me jin hyung hHAHAHA just kidding!1! :-)
aNYWAYS. hello, your ((favourite)) ((just kidding)) dongsaeng here to hack you! \o thanks for being somehow like a stupid hyung to me 'cos your failures make me facepalm every time i see them. this doesn't make sense, but #yolo!1!!11 i don't get why you call me a kid- it's pretty obvious that i'm a matured lion. >:D not a lion cub, 'kay. i like how you're always on caps which shows that you're pretty high most of the times hAHHAHHHAAHAHA I LIKE HIGH PEOPLE Y AA AYAYAYYAYAYYAY
y'know i hope you'll continue being the cool oh wait you're not cool epic, funny and happy hyung you are and i hope our friendship will last forever!1!! and ever y ay
with that, 
kim taehyung, out. :-) //flies away like a beautiful butterfly jkjk i'm manly//