Personal Message

work hard, play hard. wait no, just play hard. everything'll fall into place. 

i am a certified addict of the font georgia. its gorgeous.<3

About Me

kpop fan. normal city girl. proud newsie. yes, i am a proud newsgirl from 1899 new york in my head. my username, seizetheday, comes from the movie Newsies.

Spot Conlon<3 smexy guy. definitely on par with kpop guys.


tehe. Infinite's Paradise, anyone?

I also love One Direction, the British band. they're weird and cute. me gusta<3


My list of ppl who ruin my life with their amazingness biases:

L (Infinite)

Ha Minwoo (ZE:A)

Daehyun (BAP)

Niel (Teen Top)

Kai & Lay (EXO)

and just about everyone else. yes, I do have inside jokes with myself. I'm just that cool. always ridin' for KP, because theres no i in Frends<3 lock n' love-
