Personal Message

*bleep* hi, i'm a person. nice to meet you. currently editing blame it on the soju. i'm rarely on this website but i'm making an effort to try more often. send a message if you'd like to contact me. *bleep* 

| end of voicemail |

About Me

i'll give you 25 facts about me xD

fave font is georgia (size 12)  followed by calibri (14)

i don't mind clichés as long as they are well written

i have an iphone 5c (anyone who has an iphone 5c or an 'outdated' phone, put yo hands up in the air)

i used to be a huge bookworm before i discovered online reading (like wattpad and aff)

i prefer not to have my personal identity revealed on any of the websites that i write on because i find people judge you when they know who you are IRL

modern slang words or any slang words for that matter are weird to me.

if blankets were clothing, i would wear them 24/7

i want to travel to nunavut one day and experience the frigid temperatures

collge ruled paper is a must - screw wide ruled

gel pens are the best because it's just so fun to see the ink bleed on to the paper

cinnamon buns used to be my obsession

nutella isn't that great IMO

i used to roll my eyes whenever someone mentioned tumblr but when a friend insisted to search up any image i needed with the word 'tumblr' in it, i was hooked

perfume and hair commercials, i find them sooo dramatic and confusing

do you need stupid advice? ask away

i am a huge running man fan and i will always be

room mates is a pretty bomb show

i'm leaning more towards korean variety tv shows as opposed to kdramas because i find the latter too dramatic which is supposed to be the point

i bought the host and zodiac a while back and i still haven't gotten to reading them yet

i'm scared of driving because i've gotten into an accident before and just the statistics of car accidents are horrifying

i'm a silly person but i have instant moodswings all the time

blue everything - if there's a choice of what colour i should pick, i get blue

the amount of little black dresses that are worn in every high school party i read are astonishing

coffee and tea? count me out

i like having tv shows or movies played in the background while i'm working because i work better