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About Me

I'm a teenager

I'm a girl

I'm really open-minded

My favourite colours are black, blue and red

I'm kinda weird XD

I love k-pop and korean culture

My first language is English

I'm self-studying Korean

I barely speak any French but I have up to grade 9 knowledge of it as a second language(which is a lot less than it seems) becasue it was a required second language course until then in my country

I have 3 mental illnesses which all go hand-in-hand with each other; anxiety, depression, OCD; and I take medication and do therapy for it

I'm pansexual

I like to sing and write songs

I like to dance(but I embarrass everyone around me when I do because I kinda at it XD)

I like to meet new people even though I'm very shy

I'm confident in my writing

I'm generally very quiet unless I'm around my friends or family

I'm a part of so many fandoms I lost count and can't even remember all of them XD

I use the "XD" face a lot to express when I find something funny or entertaining(which you've probably gathered by now)

I think I'm very polite and I always talk very formally to everyone

That's all I can think of right now so have a nice day!