Personal Message

Hi! I'm pedo-cupid! ^^" Nice to meet you ! Be friendly~ Yup! I really like making new friends ~ I'm a tlist not a facebookerz so find me in Twitter . Mine is @Hyachuu . I would like to know yours . Let's be friends! You know 'what life mean without friends' 

About Me

Me: pedo-cupid 

You: unknown 

Then , I'm 13 . Malaysian . Kpoppers .

#inspirit .
#angel .
#c-clown .
#babyz .
#b2b .

People called me pedo and I like cupid's love . Hehe^^ 

Even though I have grammar error and you know .. I don't think I can fix it . 

once I say it I'm Inspirit . I'm so big big fan! jyah!

once I say it I'm angel . I so real angel ^^


Thank you~