About Me

I am a Nasty. A real, true Nasty. MEGA NASTIES UNITE.

IF YOU DON'T LIKE SIMON AND MARTINA THEN YOU ARE just a human with different opinions, it's okay. Let's be friends.

And if you're Nasty let's be friends as well.


I'm also a major VIP, Kiss-Me, Shawol, Blackjack, LO/\E, Boice, Playgirl, Aff(x)tion, Hottest.

Minor Inspirit, Bana, Best Friend, Star1, Hello Cupid, B2UTY,  Sone, Baby, Elf.

FAV K-Pop songs ever: Fantastic Baby by Big Bang, Lucifer by SHINee, Face by NU'EST, ADTOY by 2PM, I am the Best by 2ne1.