Personal Message


     not ikon

15 : USA : single pringle.


i write nearly everything and anything. fluff, angst, comedy, romance, you name it. writing is a hobby of mine, and would be something i consider apart of my life. whenever i'm bored, i'll grab a pen and some paper and will just start jotting down ideas for like scenarios and such. (of course, when i get more time i'll expand those ideas and make them into stories. hehe.) besides writing, i'd say i'm a big fan of ikon dancing. i may not be the best, but i enjoy dancing. plus, it helps me lose some chub chub. cx as it states above, i live in the usa. to be specific, i live in a magical and wonderful place ((not really tbh)) called los angeles. uh, i guess that's all you need to know about me? lmAo.