Personal Message

you can add me fellow SUJU LOVER.. especially EVIL MAKNAE LOVER !! haha !!



About Me

annyeong ! i think i'm gonna revised this about me section because i think it's kinda boring. so let's start shall we ? ^^


first of all i'm mikyu imnida and i'm currently 16 years of age. if you're wondering what kind of attitude i have or person i am.  let's just say i'm more on the quiter side than the other kind. a bit melo isn't it ? haha ! so that's why i'm a Kyuhyun bias, because he's always in his game world. dunno how to explain it but that's how i see it. i always want myself to be in to something than lazying around all day so when you see me it's whether i'm reading or drawing something. i also love reading so that means i LOVE books and at the same time listening to music. btw my playlist is only for Super Junior. haha !



i'm also a crybaby. haha ! but it's just that i'm easily touched or hurt when someone says or do something to me. so i really hate it when someone backstabs me. it doubles the pain of knowing that he/she doesn't want me and he/she pretending to be good to me.



ok ! so much for the drama.. i said i'm a Kyuhyun bias so if anyone says bad to him and also to the Super Junior i'm gonna bash him/her ! haha ! but i know that there are millions who would gladly do that with me. right ELF's ? i'm also dying to see Super Junior face to face, and when i got that chance i'm ready to die. haha ! but i think i can't because i'm gonna support them forever. ^_*



i just hope i'm one of those girls in the fanfics i have read. because they do have the chance to be with them and know them more plus the chance of being their girl >///< (alert ! fangirl syndrome attacks ! haha !)



anyway that's all i can say. haha ! hope we can be friends ! i'm glad to accept new friends. so we can know more about each other.


annyeong !


saranghae <3