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About Me

Just a reader here! I, unfortunately, have no talents in writing WHATSOEVER hehehehe... thanks to all you lover writers for making great fanfics!! *bows down*

but..... Yo yo yo all! ^^ My name's Michelle (if you couldn't tell XD). I'm 100% Vietnamese (Viet prideeeee). I'm a shorty... but i guess that means i will always find guys taller than me! LOL XD 

I dance, sing, and occasionally rap XD (im so hardcore yea yea *fist pumps*)


KPOP Groups:

INFINITE (ultimate bias...)

DB5K (first kpop group i ever listened to... Always FIVE)

Jay Park (okay he's not a group... but a y solo man)

Block B (do you wanna be??? hell yes i do!)

B1A4 (im not all for cutesy... but these boys just took my heart...)

Epik High (seriously love their music... and Tablo himself is ridiculous as a rapper and songwriter)

U-Kiss (under recognized... T_T)

Big Bang (crazy but classy.. i dig it)

4Men (ridiculous vocals....)

Sistar (im not just into boy groups haha...)

2NE1 (eh eh eh eh eh eh eh~)

B.A.P (TS baby!)


in all honesty... i have a much bigger list... but this is just the top ones :D


check out my youtube channel?? i do some covers.. i know im not the best... but i will try to improve!! 

SilentWings03 - YouTube