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Personal Message


About Me

Ayy only look at me J.
I'm 19. I'm a beautiful disaster.I'm very childish at times, but mature when needed. I make the cutest face when I scream obsenities. Boys with tattoos make me bite my lip and wanna do dirty things. I'm a mess&& my room usually is too. I laugh at the stupidest things I cry for no reason sometimes && I get jealous real easy. I dance to music that shouldn’t be danced to. And I smile at things that don’t matter. I'm the kind of girl you can hear from miles away<<- the kind that if your sad its her job to make you happy..... the kind of girl who keeps messing up' & saying "oops sorry" i trip over everything, i'm such a cluttz & i get so mad at the simplest thing but im also the girl who holds everthing back if you ask me what is wrong ill just lie & smile saying"oh nothing"; the girl who's afraid to love, because she already lost so much. I respect those who respect me and I’ll forget those who forget me, simple as that. I've made mistakes in my life. I have hurt others, I do stupid stuff. I make the same mistakes again & again but that just me..