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Personal Message


Watashi no namae wa Eya-chan. :P 15 sai. 

I write romance and sometimes fanfiction. But I'm on a 'break' right now and not really in the mood to write a story. Although, I will try my best to get out of my comfort zone and start writing a short story. 



About Me

My nickname is Eya. But you can also call me by my other nickname which is Elea

I write. I sing. I play the piano. I swim. I paint.

Reading is one of my hobbies, too. 

Fangirl. I have different fandoms :P (ViceRylle, Sampy, SCANDAL, Taylor Swift, Toni and Alex Gonzaga, Luis Manzano)


I study the Japanese language and the French language too. (One of my dreams is to be a polyglot :P)


Some of my other dreams include:

1. Living near a coffee shop. I believe that it can be a nice place to stay at while reading and writing stories. Plus, most coffee shops have great food. 

2. Owning a rubix cube. It sounds simple, but the heart wants what it wants. 

3. Painting on canvas. Right now, I'm limited to painting on illustration boards. It would be a big break for me to be able to paint on canvas XD

4. Living in Paris when I'm 26. The place is just amazing. 

5. Studying psychology and neurology. 

6. Being an outgoing person. I'm naturally a shy and quiet person. I can't maintain good conversations and it would be such a big help if I could make myself more outspoken and outgoing. 

