About Me

Hi I'm jykxdf. The first thing that comes in your mind is "What kind of name is that?!" Well, that's my petname... given by myself. I love to write. Writing has been my hobby since... I already forgot. But I know I'm a writer. I'm also a fan of SNSD. Gaaah! And Big Bang (but not much xD) My bias in SNSD is... Jessica. Yeah! I'm a Gorjess Spazzer xD And in Big Bang... it would be TOP cause he's awesome. And he's TOP. Duh!

Well.. I want you to know that I'm a  melodramatic kind of person. You can see it in my blog. It's kinda heartbreaking xD

I'm a wallflower. But I don't have the perks xD


Who writes something on their 'about me'?