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Jungkook or Junhoe ? Who do you prefer Sora to be with ?

  • Jungkook
  • Junhoe

Personal Message










First of all I want to thank every single person who comments on my fics.

like.. THANK YOU.

You have no idea what that means to me. 


This is my only way of communicating with you guys, and it makes me really really happy when I see your comments

because to be real I hate silent readers , even thou I  am myself one. 


Ofcourse I appreciate the people who subscribe to me , you guys are amazing , but

the thing is that I don't do this for subs , for fame or anything. I simply do it because AFF lacks Junhoe fics and I 

know he has a lot of fans , plus I like doing it , so the only way I can know if YOU

like my work is when you COMMENT your opinion because it really means the world to me.

I then and only then feel like someone is appreciating my effort , someone is actually reading my stuff and maybe someone is liking it , even if someone is hating it , you should LET ME KNOW. That's what I want you opinion guys , because I do this for you

and when I see no comments I feel like I disapointed you , or I do this for noone , since there's no response on the other side.

Out of 200subs only like 8 comment , or like out of 800 mostly 20. It really makes me sad and kills my motivation.


I hope you understand me , this is NOT me begging for comments , it's me begging for YOUR OPINION.


~after all , I love you guys , the fact that you sub , shows me love so I'm thankfull. ^^