Personal Message

please please please feel free to look over them and mssg me about which on you're interested in! 
you could change up the details if you'd like.

1 — Muse A is a cop’s daughter, who always has straight a’s and never disobeys, and one day she has to stop by the police station (for something, like car keys) and her father is arresting Muse B who's this total badass who drinks, does drugs and sleeps around. So Muse B corrupts Muse A and obviously it’s a forbidden relationship so it’s a lot of sneaking around to have and such. But in the end, it’s Muse A whose corrupting Muse B because B hasn’t had anyone in his life to care for and who cares for him.

2 — muse b breaks muse a's heart two years ago and leaves unexpectedly, but when muse a finally moves on, muse b comes back to tell her that her's back for good. 
cause angst and flashback paras wow

3 — muse a's friends keep setting him/her on ty blind dates and muse b happens to be at the same place as muse a everytime.

4 — Muse A and Muse B go on a roadtrip; Muse B soon goes the wrong way and they end up somewhere completely unknown to them. Night approaches and they must spend their slumber in a cramped car and piling snow. Will they get along for once to find their way back?

5 — it all started when 
muse a found muse b in bed with someone else. it wasn’t like it was the first time, either – in fact, muse a was almost used to this. to them it seemed like muse b would do just about anything to hurt them, and believes that they are the cause for muse b's infidelity.muse a doesn’t know what’s real anymore – what about all the “i love you”s and the exhilarating kisses? completely confused by muse b, muse a finally decides to confront them. as it happens, the couple are at the point in their relationship when they had been debating having kids together. somehow, muse a had thought that this would fix them – but now they weren’t too sure. muse asuddenly questions their whole relationship – where they ever really in love? muse b has no response to this, because for so long they’d tried to ignore their issues in a desperate attempt to save their relationship – but it seemed as though everything was coming to a screeching halt.

6 — muse a accidentally sends muse b her nudes. to further her embarrassment, they end up meeting face to face at a local nightclub. muse b threatens to show everyone the skimy pictures of her that is, unless she agrees to become his personal assistant. who knows what this'll lead to? lol i feel like this would be funny tbh

7 — 
muse a's friend is coming here with her boyfriend and she thinks it's going to be a double date; can muse b pretend to be muse a's date for the sake of embarrassment?

8 — muse a's ex happens to be in the same place as her. to avoid him noticing her, she randonly pulls muse b to cover her as she's trying to escape. lol jongin would be like wtf r u doing.

9 — muse a moves into muse b's ex's building. unaware of his/her ex moving, muse b starts throwing rocks at muse a's window at of anger one night. 

10 — muse b has loud every night and the neighbor, muse a, can't take the noise anymore. muse a comes banging on the door and muse b obnoxiously invites the other in for a . lol jongin's a

11 — 
muse a travels a lot  and they haven’t been home in their apartment/home in like two months. so they come back thinking they’re alone until they head to their bedroom and discover muse b sleeping in their bed. muse b is like totally homeless and thought this apartment/home was abandoned and has been crashing their for a week or however long who cares. and muse a is just like ‘okay stay’ and muse b stays and they bond and sleep in the same bed and yeah.

About Me

   ❝p r o d i g y.❞        
about me.
Entrepreneur with an uncanny resemblance to a prince; a free-spirit who goes against all rules that suppress his will to do daring things. 

The devious works of persuasion and black market business has been a skill molded into him ever since adolescence. Jongin's father became the person he had aspired to be; as far as owning the most infamous underground nightclubs, his father was a notorious drug dealer. The way he managed to keep that secret away from the public eye furthered Jongin's curiosity and skill when it came to sly marketing. His knowledge about making profit skyrocketed once he got older — he knew how to talk to those he wanted to reel in, he knew how to look, and he was ultimately aware of what they wanted. This attribute not only helped him with business, but also manipulating women he had wanted for one night, constantly waking up with fragrant, promiscuous strangers in his bed. The thought of intimacy and love was never in range of his mind, the loving mother he had inwardly hoped for as a child was never there and never spoken of by his father. Now, at 23, he rules the underground scene with a drug business booming like never before. Not only has he become like his father, he surpassed him. Jongin's lust for adventure, , and success has masked him with such an overconfident facade, a monster; he's almst unstoppable. But the monster always reveals itself. How long can he keep it up?
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Jongin's residence — His style is very secluded yet open when it comes to the inside.
Due to his life constantly in the public, he enjoys returning home to something secretive.
Although, he doesn't hide his life of luxury when it comes to interior design and decorating that keeps people coming back to his place.