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About Me

We want our readers to know that There's two of us writing on this account!.
We're both from Finland and we're students here. 
We made this user in 2014  but didn't publish anything untill the fall 2015 ( just if you're wondering)
We had our sepperate users but desided to make one together so we could make the writing into a shared hobby.
Here you have SHORT descriptions of the both of us!
(We apologise for possible typos, we're both dyslexic :D )

Hey my name is Meri..
So I'm the other author here. There's not too much you need to know about me! :) Except that I love to write about love, fantasy and drama. (I also like to be quite poetic and mysterious (haha (o  3o)~ <3 ) ) My hobbies are (well writing..) drawing potraits, hiking and theatre! I also occasionally work as a model :) My favorite things in life are friends, music and animals! But that's enough about me!  :D  It's nice to get to know you and I hope you'll enjoy our stories! :) 

Hello I'm Elina, the other author obviously.I love K-pop let's start with that. Ultimate bias is Kim jongin a.k.a Kai :) I don't have a offical hobby but I write different kind of stories and I love to dance. Let's be straight, I like writing , so every story I write contains it :D Maybe that's enough about me for now! you can always ask if you want  to know more! I also hope you'll enjoy our stories and keep reading them till the end! :)