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Personal Message

? no.
ual orientation: who gives a ? both.
current mood: bored~
current song listening to: tablo - expiration date

                                                                                                                                                       updated 8/18/12

About Me


tumblr_m9elzpwJK61rd3uwqo6_r3_250.gifIm Jae Bumtumblr_m9elzpwJK61rd3uwqo4_r2_250.gif

        "there's a dark side to everyone..."
 Jaebum was born and raised into a province
on the outskirts of Seoul by an alcoholic step
father and a crack cocain-addicted mother.
Everyday, every morning, every night, Jaebum
was abused by his drunk father who'd come into
his room and beat the out of him,
blaming him for his ed up life.

     ☨ ღ 

While, his mother wouldn't do a thing, acted as if she cared less because she was so high on drugs that she didn't even remember her own name sometimes.

Eventually, Jaebum started to blame himself as well. He knew his mother's pregnancy was accidental, and he was a mistake, but he always told himself that he wasn't, and that his parents loved him, just so he could sleep at night. 

But for little Jaebum, sleep never came. He always woke in cold sweats in the middle of the night, heart beating so fast he felt it was about to burst from his chest. 

On his 15th birthday, he ran away from that hell-hole that was supposed to be his home, a home where he was loved and cared for, but instead practically starved everyday, so being out on the streets without barely any  food but the scraps wasn't much of a difference for him. At least, he was free.

 While trying to pick-pocket a business man in a shopping district one day, the business man caught him just as he was trying to escape with his wallet, but instead of making him pay for what he's done, he saw promise in the boy as a future model with his pretty face and tall, slender body.
Since then, he's worked as a model for a fashion clothing line called "Tomonari", but just because he was a model didn't mean that he could go on life without a proper education. 

 His manager mentioned a school called "S.M. High" and applied Jaebum to the school, unknowing of the school's mischief ways. Jaebum didn't exactly "favor" the idea of going to school. He never had fond memories of school, especially since he was bullied in elementary and middle school. But he knew he had no say in the matter anyways, so he went anyways, bringing to the school another nonchalant, lazy-going student who didn't give a about school work or following anyone's rules.

Personality: appathetic, but hides his feelings behind the occasional smile or showing little interest in fear of letting people in and getting hurt.

        "no hints, no tips, you play the game fair and square..."

His deck of special people


 tumblr_lru7yx1smv1qe521ro4_500.gif tumblr_lwvdydjetR1qb95tto3_250.gif image

She stole my heart


roleplaying as [ sang gil ] at S.M. High School as a student