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Personal Message

*drum roll*

Hello everyone!! I'm looking forward to hearing your comments!

So anyway, I'm very excited to be here. I haven't done much yet


I'll start participating soon enough !!

About Me

I dont really have much to say........... but I guess I'll give it a try.

Intrest: well obviously, I loveee k-pop! my first love is super junior!!! then dbsk, big bang, shinee, cn blue, ft island, mblaq, beast, and the latest one... Teen Top!(basically I follow boy band) i dont follow japenese/koreandrama much cause i got tired of uploading the videos around episode 6 . (dont hate me for it ) and finally, I'm a die hard fan of good graphics! Its an addiction =O

OMG! I found this on google and photobucket and just HAD TO SHARE IT HERE!!

LOL, wth?! love SHINEE to the MAX! xD

pff!!! Minho and his coolness! XD

yes, yes onew. We all know. ;P

and to prove that point.....


Beware: Key. He knows how to plan his revenge ;D

DBSK time!!!

*whisper* Don't fight it Changmin. Come come....*whisper*


psssttt, yunho. You'll never guess! Jae, he..he...****...

WTH?! ahahahahahah

SERIOUSLY! these macros are killing me! XDDDD

well, that's it from me for now. But dont worry!

Will . definately . add . more . in . due . time

for now, a little word for all those people who's dislike !

yunjae forever babeh! XD

currently reading manga: surakuen, Wa!,  Jio to Ougon to Kinjirareta Mahou, Hapi Mari(chp 12),