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About Me

I like a few groups and their names are Got7, CNBlue, WINNER, Red Velvet, G-Friend, CLC, and AOA!

The biases from each group have no particular order. 

Got7 - Mark

Why: Because he is mothering Mark. And he speaks English. It's not my fault that everytime I hear his deep voice, I think sinful thoughts. I Love Mark because I can, and I hate Mark because I can't have him. And that is our relationship. 

Winner - Mino

 Why: I just have a thing for deep voices. Mino is so y that it hurts. I do not thirst often, but when I do, I thirst after Mino. But Irene can have him. I'd always leave him for Irene.

Red Velvet - Wendy

Why: Cause have you heard her voice? Girl is talented and some more. Plus she is the prettiest out of all Red Velvet members. And that's facts, no printer. Cool chick turn the summer to the winter, okay I'll stop now.