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What is your horoscope sign? part3 of 3

  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces

Personal Message

Hello! I am strange. Who are you?

About Me

I am a die hard fan of Anime and Manga (otaku). I am totally childish, but on the internet you can be anyone so I'll be the mature kid. I listen to everything (J-pop,K-pop, pop,rock,electro,rap,jazz,etc.) Everything but screamo, german, scottish, and BAG PIPES! D8 Why were they even created? My mom loves them so she playes it all the time and it's torture. 

I give a huge thumbs up to tomboys since I am one. I have only learned that last year though. Apparenetly if you mostly like hanging out with guys and playing video games with no intention to marry, date, or wear make-up then they label you as tomboy. 

I am a giant fan of Jang Geun Suk and Lee Hong Ki is in second. I am watching "Mary Stayed Out All Night" right now. I mostly like him for his acting skills and amazing voice. It's like a heaven cloud is coming out his mouth. I also like Shinee, but I don't listen to bands as much a solo singers. I like guitars and I try to play mine, but I'm not very good. I plan to be an Actress and Writer! 

I have been on love before, but it was a very sad ending and we didn't really date. It was one-sided. I liked him for 3 years and he didn't even know my name

My birthday is coming up soon and I am gettting necomimi cat ears. THEY ARE AWESOME!!!! ^(ò.ò)^ when you sre excited the ears move up and they go down when your relaxed.  <(~_~)>

Well ಠ.ಠ since I have nothing left to say GOODBYE