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Personal Message

★I'm a woman :P
★My parents are from different countries. Well if you think i look weird, don't judge and give comments. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder!
★I don't get frustrated for nothing unless you provoke me.

★I created this account just to read fanfics! Not to disturb anyone :)

About Me

♬ I'm not cheap, I choose friends! :P
♬ If you want to be my friend then be nice and respect me!
♬ Please don't speak to me in other languages that i don't understand.
♬ I'll just show you the attitude that you show to me :)
♬Let's be friend okay? You may call me lx.

----------------------------THINGS THAT I DISLIKE----------------------------

☞ I dislike dirty persons.
☞ I dislike person saying bad words.
☞ I dislike bullies.
☞ I dislike POSERS and FAKERS!
☞ I dislike persons that don't keep their promises.
☞ I dislike to see you sad. T^T
☞ I dislike discriminating people.
☞ I dislike hot places.
☞ I dislike noisy and loud sounds.
☞ I dislike bad person.
☞ I dislike disgusting insect which make me scream, cry, yell which is embarrassing >.< 
☞ I dislike people forcing to do something they don't want.
☞ I dislike people who ask for my phone number when they are not close to me. =.=

❀If you really want to be my friend, be sure you're not one of the things i dislike.
❀I'm a nice person but I'm a devil when you hurt one of my friends!
❀Don't pose things like link that will harm me or my computer.
❀I'm not cute or whatever, i didn't do plastic surgery, i'm just simple.
❀But don't ask so many questions alright, just look at my info! :D
❀If i on my chat and didn't reply you guys, it didn't mean i hate you guys, maybe i'm currently busy.

❝At last, wishing you PEACE☮, LOVE♡ and SMILE☺ !❞