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My Services

  • Reviewer

About Me

Hello! This is Exobetapod.

Generally, this is what we do...

It’s quite hard for authors and betas to find each other, especially if they aren’t part of a ficfest. Hence, we want to act as a platform to pair writers up with betas, outside of ficfests!
We’ll also provide regular writing/betaing tips on our account.
For people who are unsure of what betas are, we’ll do a list later which describes what a beta does. We only pair people up, we don’t do more than that!

As of now, because we don’t promote fics or writers, and we would like to be helpful to all sorts of writers, we will not have a ban on normally banned topics, such as non-con, , ia. This may change in the future. However, writers MUST describe all these tags to us when signing up!

For betas...

- Betas will fill in a form detailing their preferred ships, notps, time zone, strengths and weaknesses, as well as how many people you’d like to beta for at once
- This list will be a simple checkbox system to make things easier for us
- We will ask if you would like to beta “Trigger Warnings”. We will then ask you which specific of these you are willing to beta.
- You’ll be added onto a list, of which we’ll use to pair you up with writers based on both of your preferences
- Every month, we’ll send you an email asking if you still want to remain on the list, and whether your preferences have changed
- If we decide to pair you up, we’ll ask for your opinion *first*, as well as give you a list of the warnings the author has given us, so if you’re not as free in that period, feel free to decline! It’s only if you accept that we’ll pass your contact information over to the writer.
- You’re under no obligation to beta for the person we’ve assigned you with, but if you’ve decided to start beta-ing for them, please continue to do so until their fic is finished as best as you can!
- When you have finished betaing, either you or the writer can come back to us and we’ll add you back onto our list, if you are interested in continuing.
- If you want to opt out of our system, pop us an email and we’ll take you off the list. 
- You’re welcome to rejoin us anytime!
- However, if the author tell us that a particular beta is causing inconvenience, we’ll talk to that beta to understand what is going on. If the situation persists and without valid reason, we’ll add that beta onto our blacklist.
 - This includes going MIA, or commenting hate

On the side of writers...

- Writers will fill in a form detailing some basic information for their fic, as well as other requests
- Writers will be asked to tick a box for “trigger warning” and describe them
- We’ll try to allocate you to a beta in our system, on a first come first serve basis
- If in two weeks, we are unable to find a beta for you, we will send you an email to ask if you would like to remain on our waiting list. If you have already found a beta / you’ve had to upload the fic already, you can decline. If you’d like to continue to wait, you are welcome to do so.
- To reduce traffic, please only fill in a form if you have an ongoing fic that you expect to complete. We only expect our betas to work for that particular fic - of course, if between the two of you you work something out to beta more fics in the future, feel free to do so!
- **If your fic is part of a ficfest which has a beta system, you should sign up with them instead!**
- Similar to our beta system, if a beta tells us a particular author is causing inconvenience, we’ll talk to the author to understand what is going on. If the situation persists and without valid reason, we’ll add that author onto our blacklist.
 - This includes making the beta read something they were not warned of