


  • Getting image...

Personal Message

You know that little voice of reality in the back of your head?

The one that goes:

He's not single.


Those two are definitely dating.

Or (my personal favorite).

You'll never get to meet them. You'll never get to know them. 

Well, that little voice is the bane of my exsistance. Can't it just leave me be, to fangirl and daydream in peace?
No. Reality is a . 
But you couldn't live without it. 

So what to do? Keep your natural insincts while still being able to fangirl?
I say, write fanfictions.
Write about your OTPs. Write reader pairings. Write angsty, cheesy, overly ual short stories.



About Me

About me? Huh.
What do you need to know about me? //blinks innocently//

Well for starters, I'm a Vietnamese-American ELF. Hardcore, imustgotokoreasomedayandglompall15 hardcore. Not to the extent of sasaengs of course :)
I try to be polite. I respect other groups, fandoms, opinions. If somebody tells me "I don't like Super Junior's music" I'll shrug. It's a matter of taste after all. But if somebody just goes around, unreasonably hating on out boys, I pull out the big guns.
Meaning withering glares, humiliating comebacks, and degrading sarcasm, not like... actual weapons ;D

I'm a Gamer.
Both ways. Too Kyu biased for my own good. Who could resist the maknae's combination of awkwardness, evilness, and unintentional iness?

I was first introduced to K-pop last October-ish of 2011. SNSD was my first group.

My initial reaction to SJ?

What the..?
Why are there so many of them?

What's that random fat guy doing there?
Their English is horrible.
It's stupid that Asians bleach their hair so much.
Okay, the guy with black hair is officially my favorite.
Super Junior? I've heard of them before.

Okay, this is kinda catchy.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry... lalalalala.

Considering my likes and hobbies, I enjoy math, K-pop, and computer games. If I played the piano, I'd be the perfect Asian.
On top of that, I write for my personal enjoyment. Mainly short stories because I can't commit myself to a full one xD

I speak broken, self-taught Korean. I can write too ^^

So now, to awkwardly close out this, I just hope you guys enjoy. If not, feel free to leave. OUT.