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Personal Message

To my readers: i'm actually having a hard time since my dog died recently and my kitten disappeared :(
I'm really concerned about her so i'm can't focus on anything else right now.
I ask you just a little more patience, i'll be updating soon. ;; (23/03/16)



*I'm brazilian and portuguese is my mother language so i may not have a perfect english, i apologize for that. I'm still improving hehe. 


About Me

I met Kpop in 2011 and since then i've been shipwrecking increasingly. I'm SM biased in general but i also like BTS and iKON. Right now I'm mostly reading EXO and iKON fanfics. 

*EXO bias: Baekhyun, Kai and Kyungsoo. 

*iKON bias: Hanbin. 

I also write and i really would like to post a fanfic here. I'm still working at it. 

So, i guess that's it. 

Anything you wanna know/talk/etc you can send me an MP. :)