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Personal Message

One day, we will all grow old. 
Like sand when waves approach. 
Soft and quiet. 
The cracks from love and hate. 
It's all disappear. 
Day by day, I will forget you. 
Day by day, I won't able to breath anymore. 
What left is a secret that I can't tell.

- Simple, C_知名不具

About Me


Awkward beginning, isn't it?

My name is VIP, or CHOI TOP VIP.

I'm a translator, I will begin translate stuff to English soon, hope you guys will support * throws hearts *

I like fluff, angst, happy ending, sad ending, dark,. . . And of course. . . . . .

I hate OC but I also love it if the story is like super gooooooddddddddd.


Personal information:

CHOI TOP VIP, 11 years old [ Yes, I'm eleven and expert in writing Vietnamese , don't judge =(((((( ], female, Vietnamese, EXO fovever stan, 5 years Kpop lover [ Yes, no lying ].

Oh, and yes, I'm Kim Jong Dae [ or Chen ] bias. I'm ship all pairs in EXO, 66 pairs total, I think. I'm struggle in finding my true, true, true, true OTP [ the only true one ], but ended off with both KaiSoo and KrisTao [ or Taoris but Tao is top? NO!!! ]. OT12 fovever!!!!!


I'm also a photoshopper. I could make poster for you guys~. Write on my wall or inbox me and I will make a poster for you. P/S: Accept EXO poster and boyxboy only~ <3
