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Personal Message


-Let's see if you've made the list-



Kwon Jiyong


Our lovable diva, how could you not be here?!

You have no idea how proud I am of you

You've grown up right before my eyes and I love the kind of man you're turning out to be

-Papa Se7en approves- 

You've got a heart of gold and the sharpest tongue I've ever seen

Don't ever change


((going to bed, will continue tomorrow eue))


About Me

((It's still a mess, don't bother reading it yet XD))

S  7  n




The name's Choi Dongwook

But you can call me Se7en

As in 7

As in don't piss me off and ask me how to pronounce my name












A strong believer of "actions speak louder than words"

You like me? Prove it

You hate me? Then off

Words without action are meaningless to me











I'm not an , I can be nice and friendly if I want to

The people close to me are the only ones who deserve to see that side of me

But that shouldn't stop you from trying to get to know me

Who knows, you might actually be worth my time







So what happened to happy go lucky Se7en?


He never existed

It's all for the fans

They don't need to see this side of me









So, this is me

I want you to know that I'm both happy and sad

Still trying to figure out how that could be




Roleplaying as Se7en @ Heart to Heart AFF Roleplay