Personal Message

Stories are frivolous and fleeting, like the wind itself. 

Words are but ties to the ears that are caught by them and anchors to the eyes that are drawn in by them. 

I play with words like a pianist does his keys.


« Welcome to my eccentric world of literary discord.

I write for myself, but share my creativity with others. »




About Me

Vain, Eloquent, Generous, Observant, Perceptive, Intellectual


If you're reading this you're a magnificent human. Thanks for showing interest in me and my beloved stories. 

I'm a busy person in real life due to the nature of my job, so you'll have to forgive my random and spontaneous absences or late updates.

I'm also not very adept with replying instantly or taking the initiative to comment. And yes, I do read all of your feed back. I appreciate it.


I'm a bit of a masochist. So I like my canons suffering in my writing from time to time. 

( Wait, does that make me a sadist too? )