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Personal Message



The only weapon I carry is a smile...

Stumbled upon my page, have we? Feel free to make yourself comfortable then.~

Well, Ladies & Gents, first thing is an introduction: I'm known as cheriisoda through the interwebs. If you prefer, my real name's Chelsea.

Writing this is pretty awkward, jussayin'.
But then again, I'm an awkward person in general.

...but I've heard it's killer. :)


About Me



     Writing is a hobby that I've fallen in and out of line with, and there are often periods when I get the sudden urge to scribble up a story...but then there are times I just lose the inspiration and it all falls apart. I get bored easily, a bad habit that I have. However, I love writing fanfiction as much as I love reading it -- and that's a lot.<3 So, with this account I hope to dabble in the art of writing once again to push out a few good ones for everyone here to enjoy. I was typing the word 'ones', I instinctively wrote 'onew', which brings me to the next topic:

kpop  ► || play it

      I love it. Pair it up with fanfiction, and you've got one heck of a coupling. I'm a fan of all the idol groups, but I am particularly fond of...
Dalmatian Daeguknamah F.Cuz Code-V Infinite Teen Top
 TOUCH Choshingsung (Supernova) SISTAR B2ST 

My ultimate biases come in the form of Lee Junho (2PM), Park Hyunchul aka Karam (DGNA), Lee Chanhee aka Chunji (Teen Top) and Yang Seungho (MBLAQ).

Shall we talk about hobbies/interests/tidbits about me? Whoo for rhetorical questions. :D

  • drawing (painting, etc. etc.)
  • making graphics (or anything that allows me to be on a computer xD)
  • film (I think my major will be encompassed in this field in college)
  • I have no talent with instruments or dance, unless you include a year of both piano & ballet/tap. It's sad. xD
  • I like emoticons, especially this one: xD (I use it a lot)
  • I like people, they interest me. People that interest me make me want to be their frineds. I like friends. :D
  • I need to laugh everyday, if I don't I'll -- well, I'm not exactly sure what'll happen to me..but I don't want to find out. I might implode for all I know. Humor is good.
  • All these bullets are irrelevant, and they don't really need to be here...but I feel the need to put them. o.o"


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