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Personal Message



oo-liner || april born || bruneian || k-poper || lover

|werr, hello thur. c8|

|i am chaoticpanda_ and of course, that ain't my real name.|

|i wish it is though... meh. whatever.|




|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||about moi c8|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||



About Me



me, myself and i 

| haii. i'm nissa or panda as some of my friend call me. |

| i am a 13 years young girl from a small and rich country in borneo called, Brunei Darussalm.|

| i am crazy , unpredictable , sweet and pretty laid back |

| i went to an all girl school , but it's pretty nice there. |

| i am a vip , exotic , black jack , angle , inspirite and f(x)tion. |

| awesome right? i'm always here, so feel free to chat! c8 |


| " i feel like i'm the worst , so i always act like i'm the best. " |