Personal Message

I have an incurable and contagious disease called "K-POP Addiction."
It's spreading all over the world good luck :P

About Me

Hi peoples of fanfiction world! C: It's ~H.I.N.T~ hottest icecream ninja... Taaa~
And I love ALL K-POP and their epic dances, ay hair flipping, and cute, catchy songs-
(that can get stuck in your head for a freakin long time cause they're too catchy~)
~Oh and everyone knows how heartbreakingly
cute, hot, y, and beautiful they all are~ ^o^


And my ultimate bias~ The y, Cute, Funny Hyper Dino-Puppy: Jonghyun~  


Random Jjong Gifs and Pics time xD~


^And that is why he is iness overloaded. xD

Thank you for stalking my wall!~ xD
- ~Mrs. Kim Jonghyun~