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My Services

  • Graphics
  • Reviewer

Personal Message

Hey hey! :) I'm a new writer here, and pretty young too :P

I hope you guys can aid me in improving myself as a writer, a reviewer, an artist, and a person as a whole!

Kamsahamnida/ Thank you/ 谢谢/ Terimah Kasih / ありがとうございます<--sorry, i'm not very fluent in Jap or Korean or Bahasa Malay! D:

About Me

Heyo, I just entered high school, I live in Singapore, I can speak at least two languages, I love Harry Potter, I HEART SHINEE, that basically sums up moi. :D

I love to do posters, they're really cool, and I always fantasize really weird romances with SHINee, hehe. I heart writing! Unfortunately, I have an extremely busy schedule D:

I'll be letting down you subscribers, because I'll update really late and I usually don't start new fics until I've written at least 15 chapters(Although my current Mr.Babysitter fic is an exception) so please try to understand.. :)

Thank euuu a lot! <3