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Personal Message

H E R S T O R Y .

Kim Hyo Jung. Most of her friends call her Hyorin. 21 years of age.

Her parents were one of the greatest writers in their generation. They've been featured in newspapers and magazine, and because of this she has been trying to be like her parents.

Hyorin grew up in an enviroment where she was distant from her parents, she always thought that her parents had no time for her, which in her point of view it was true. Because of this she grew distant from her parents. 

Hyorin could be seen almost everywhere. She likes hanging around with her friends, and enjoys company of different people around her. 

Hyorin's naive, cheerful, talkative and loud. She takes hints very slowly. She may be naive but she isn't stupid.

She's bi and equal with any . 

She hates being alone, and lonely who doesn't? She hates milk and insects.


Hyorin is easy to get along with. Just be sure you don't get to her temper, then your day will be alright.

S I N G L E || T A K E N

S T R A I G H T || B I || L E S B I A N

About Me

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