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Personal Message


Aaron Yan @ Night Lust AFF Role-Play

About Me

  tumblr_m4rokwdO1i1r4h137o4_400.gif Name: Yan Yalun

   Nicknames: Aaron 

   Age: 25

   Occupation: Chef/Model

   Orientation: Panual (Leans more towards men though)

   Relationship Status: SIngle









Born in Taiwan on November, 25, 1986; Yan Yalun lived a very sheltered life. Although he grew up in this type of enviorement he was always one to wear a smile on his face. It would be hard to put him in a bad mood. He was always a cheerful person. As he was growing up he lived his life by a schedule of sorts. He was never one to break away from this routine, and if he happened to slip he would be upset with himself. Mainly due to the fact that he had disappointed not only himself but also his parents. So he tried his best not to break this routine, and for the majority of his childhood and his early teenage years he never did. Of course, we all know that teenagers have that time in their life where they want to be different, want to stand out, and go into a rebellious sort of phase.



It all started when he turned sixteen, the rebellious phase. By this time he was tired of living his life like he always had, by that schedule his parents had made and enforced him to live by for the past fifteen years.  So like most people his age he started sneaking out of the house late at night, sneaking off to a bar with his friends, and then proceeding to get drunk off his with said friends. This type of behavior lasted for about two years. At the age of eighteen, he had moved away from home, and was living in a small apartment with a buddy of his. Also at this age, was when he started  to sleep around with countless people. Usually bringing back a new girl or guy every other weekend, and yes he was into men This part of his life of around lasted until he was twenty one, and after that he slowly began to piece his life back together.



Once he had jis life sorted out, he applied and was accepted into one of the best universities in Taiwan. His major was in photography, but as he completed his first year of university, and after a bit of influence from his classmates he found himself becoming more interested in the culinary arts, so when the year started for the next school year he changed his major, and made photography his minor.  During his university years, he  started to do some modeling for a clothing company in Korea, and he still does till this day. Although, the modeling is more of a side job, as his career as a chef is his primary concern.  Now at the age of twenty five he is the proud owner of a small cafe in Seoul, Korea. 





The Modeling SIde Of Things:

