Personal Message

Please be nice. I'm too innocent . 

About Me

Name : Kim Yuri 

Occupation : Slave - Dungeon Daegu 

DOB : Dec-5-1989

Orentation : Straight 

Status : Married, a mother of 3  and Not  




It takes ALOT to steal my heart . But it already belongs to somebody .[My boo boo Gyu^^]  I'm very nice , sweet , loyal , and hyper . But I also have a bad side to me . But it's only if you do something really mean to me . I also like to pull pranks . Let's be friends :) 


My Oath to YOU:



Dongwoo :Really funny and could always make me smile ! Like a little bro . Really hyper and has a good heart . We fight alot , but always have good times.

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My Son:


Sungjong :  So cute ! But don't let his cuteness fool you . He's evil , like his umma . He's also very sweet . I swear , break his heart , revenge will be double trouble .








I know I'm y


I know I'm sweet


But you can't have me 'cause

I belong to some one already^^


My Special Boy :

single,yo! || taken || straight|| crushing|| Married to Kim Sunggyu 

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Sunggyu : The love of my life . I'm marrie dto him ! (keke^^)He' s the first and only person I love . It was kinda weird how we confessed , but it's the thought that counts . Soon after , we got engaged and now I'm pregnant with twins . I feel so happy . He's the best thing that ever happened to me . He's also the father of my twins ! I don't even know how to explain this feeling. People , try to flirt or mess with him , I'm going to be a bad . So please , OFF!

Our babies >.< :



The Twins:

On August 10th, four days before my marriage to Sunggyu, I gave birth to these beauties. Yes, they are pre-matured, but I still love them  even more since that made it through :) Though they are troublesome, I can't help but love them.

Louie Jiyong Adam Sunggyu Kim: what can I say about him ? He's a momma's boy, but that doesn't mean I love MAria any less >_< He's always able to bring a smile on my face and it makes me laugh how he and his father always fight for my attention. I wuv you Louie and don't forget that ^^
Maria Anna Yuri Lee Kim:She's daddy's girl, but also mommy's girl. I love her just as much as Louie, a little more sometimes though. Shes one smart cookie like her umma and had a mouth like her appa . It makes me laugh whenever I get jealous of her when Gyu gives her more attention than I know how he feels T_T. I think she's too good for any guy and that they'll have to go through me to get her. I wuv you Maria and never forget that :)
A New Addition:

Maximillion Kim: I still remembered what happened on Spetember 16th. It was one heck of a day when Changmin and I had that 'encounter'. The odd part though was I also ended up giving birth. Though Gyu wasn't by my said, I was still happy there was someone I trusted  by my side. Thank you Changmin for being there ^^ 
Max is quite the oppisite if his siblings. He is quiet and shy. There's nothing wrong with that, it actually reminds me of Sunggyu, making me sometimes love him the most >.< I think that he will be just like his father when he grows up and that worries me T_T if that happens then I'll never want to let him go. 

Roleplaying @ Dungeon Daegu as Yuri from SNSD as  a slave