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Personal Message

Hi lovelies~ welcome to my profile! This is yoonalover :)
I have not yet found inspiration to write stories yet, but I think I might soon.. (who knows when the soon will be ~.~)

I am the type that only wants to read good stories (those with good grammar and spelling) so that I will not feel so agitated while reading the story. Of course I don't mind reading stories with some errors, if you recommend it to me. Its not easy to write a story, I know that. I tried writing before you know /cheeky smile/ just that I got so much writer's block that I just deleted the story. 

If you want me to read and review your story or perhaps proofread your story, don't hesitate to send a message to me!! I will try to reply as soon as possible :}

I am pretty friendly and don't mind making new friends! Chat with me aight~ 
I am from Singapore, so nice to meet all of you! Thank you for spending your time reading this dear c: