About Me

Um, hello. I'm Alex. I'm 17, and I love to make up stories... I never write them... EVER... but I hope to change. I'm 90% sure that if I make an account on a fanfiction site I will write.. something... sometime...  Here's hoping for the best. I may update this sometime, as this is not very informative...

Oh, and I love Supernatural, it's my favorite show. Dean's one of the characters... he's my pic.. It's he adorable? in such an Awwwww way. =)

The Kpop group I know most of is TeenTop, any stories I write here will have them as main characters. I have listened to songs by other groups thanks to my friend, but I don't know much of them. 

Anyways, I've been extremely busy lately.. But writing makes me feel better, so when ever I have the time.. I'll try to write.