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About Me


So, since I've started writing fics, I thought, that it was only fair, if my readers knew a little about me, so here I am, to introduce you guys to the weird little fish called Lena!

Soo... Let's start from the easy stuff...

I'm currently 17 years old, born 4th of February 1997, which is quite annoying since it's a god damn cold month in Denmark! I want suuuuuuun T~T
As you might have guessed, I live in Denmark in the part that we in danish call "Jylland) but I think that it's "Jutland" in english?? I have no idea.. It's the part that is attatched to Germany! (I live.... 30 km from the boarder... Anyone here who knows the island Rømø? I was raised there, and lives... 20 km away from there or so...)

I'm going to high school, which is stressing me totally out sometimes, because I also have work and a horse! Or... It's a pony... A big pony... A MANLY pony... She's a girl though.... I'm an endurance rider and currently the 2nd best Young Rider in Denmark, which gives the great responsibillity of training, training and training.. But i love it, so what shall i do about it?

Anything else of my life you want to know? Yes? No? Don't be affraid to ask! (No, I'm not an alien, eventhough I sometimes have my doubts myself... And my nickname is Goldfish.. Don't know why though... I think i have big cheeks or something....)

Well, let's go to the fandom facts!

I'm not going to mention all the fandoms that I'm in, because there's simply too many, and I don't want to forget anyone and makke them sad.. (Yes, I know that they won't read this, and yes, I do feel very, VERY, very guilty when I forget to mention one or two of them, so I just won't mention anyone..)


I can mention my favorite ships! 8D Because no one get's offended of not being in a ship, pfffst!
I have to warn you though... I'm that kind of person who likes to ship across of the groups.. Dunno' why, but i just like it.. :ii-
I'll just make a list.... v.v

1: ZiGuk = Zico and Bang Yong Guk!
2: BaVi = Baro and Ravi! (Because RaRo sounds like a retardet dinosaur or something... And we don't need more dumb'ness in this pairing...)
3: F:eo = F:ie and Leo!

Long huh? I dind't really have energy to write them all down.. v.v

But! It's a goal for me, to write a fic with each of these pairings! Because the world needs to know about them! I've already started writing the ZiGuk and the F:eo, so check them out if you want to! ^^

I hope that this gave a picture of who I am, and that you enjoyed reading! ^^

See ya! Mwuuah!