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About Me

It all started with the KDrama Secret Garden. It all  went downhill,or should I say uphill, from there. Once I had finished Secret Garden I went into a depression and wasn't sated until I'd devoured every single KDrama I could get my hands on. However, it didn't just stop at KDrama's, but mutated into the dark monster known as Kpop. What started out as a mild curiosity turned into a full-fledged obsession with syptoms including; listening to Kpop and reading interviews by my biases- only to come to hours later with no recollection of the time lapsed, using words like biases, and seriously considering how G Dragon's, or Jay Park's, or Choi Siwon's, or Hyun bin's, or Kim Jae Wook's and my child would look. 

God, I'd wish it ended there, but the more KDramas I watched and the more Kpop I listened to, the deeper I fell into this. . . Korean Mania. I have utterly become obsessed with everything and anything dealing with the country of South Korea. I've acquired a taste for Kimchee, Soju, and Shin Ramyun that cannot be satiated. I have started learning Korean phrases and even *hides face* Hangul! I initially tried to fight it but it's no use, the Korean Mania has me in its grip. I've now grown to embrace it and I roll with the punches. So what if I'd rather spend my time watching KDramas than living my own life? Or if I'd rather fantasize about my fake relationships with the aforementioned men than meet actual men? Or I'd rather eat Shin Ramyun than make actual meals? Or if. . .okay this is getting depressing. I'll just say I am content in my Korean Obsession.